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Edge banding machine manufacturers teach you to choose edge banding machine

Release date:2019-09-25

The edge banding machine plays a key role in the manufacture of panel furniture. The quality of the edge sealing determines the main factor of the environmental quality of the furniture. Because the edge sealing will seal the formaldehyde in the board, it will not pollute the air, and it can effectively prevent corrosion and greatly improve The service life of the furniture. So how do we choose when we purchase the edge banding machine?

First, see the function

According to the company's own process requirements, factory output, process requirements, etc. to choose the function of the edge-sealing products, such as custom furniture companies, at least to select the advanced products with contour tracking and other functions, and the process requirements are not high If you get started, you can meet the basic products.

Second, look at the edge effect

When the furniture manufacturer chooses, he can take the plate and various kinds of edge banding to the equipment factory to test the machine. It is necessary to pay attention to whether the edge banding machine is stable, trimming, rounding smoothness, polishing smoothness, appearance and other factors. .

Third, understand the stability of the equipment

Through business introduction, industry reputation, online information to understand, go to the company that buys and uses the product to see the use of the site, and all aspects of the comprehensive understanding of the stability of the use of equipment and then make decisions.

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